
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A Comparative Study of Fingerprint Quality on High-Resolution Images
%D 2017
%A Oliveira, Adão Henrique de,
%A Nascimento, Valfride Wallace do,
%A Silva, Gabriel Roson da,
%A Oliveira, Jirlon,
%A Teixeira, Raoni F. S.,
%@affiliation School of Engineering of Várzea Grande UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso
%@affiliation School of Engineering of Várzea Grande UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso
%@affiliation School of Engineering of Várzea Grande UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso
%@affiliation School of Engineering of Várzea Grande UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso
%@affiliation School of Engineering of Várzea Grande UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso
%E Torchelsen, Rafael Piccin,
%E Nascimento, Erickson Rangel do,
%E Panozzo, Daniele,
%E Liu, Zicheng,
%E Farias, Mylène,
%E Viera, Thales,
%E Sacht, Leonardo,
%E Ferreira, Nivan,
%E Comba, João Luiz Dihl,
%E Hirata, Nina,
%E Schiavon Porto, Marcelo,
%E Vital, Creto,
%E Pagot, Christian Azambuja,
%E Petronetto, Fabiano,
%E Clua, Esteban,
%E Cardeal, Flávio,
%B Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 30 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Niterói, RJ, Brazil
%8 17-20 Oct. 2017
%I Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
%J Porto Alegre
%S Proceedings
%K fingerprint, quality, pores.
%X The quality assessment of sets of features extracted from patterns of epidermal ridges on our fingers is a biometric challenge problem with implications on questions concerning security, privacy and identity fraud. In this work, we compare eight quality indexes by using error reject curves. Experimental results show that the indexes based on ridge orientation (namely OCL and Coherence Sum index) have proved to be effective as a performance predictor and as a filter excluding low-quality features in a recognition process.
%@language en
%3 example (3).pdf
